Sunday, May 9, 2010

TEN new luscious wreath materials...

Oh, I'm dreaming of new luscious wreath materials...let me know if any of these inspire or interest you...
1. brilliantly hand-dyed wool roving
2. hand spun wool art yarn
3. needle felted figures
4. vintage items--like raggedy anne dolls and coffee tins
5. shells, shells, and more shells
6. fabric (especially silk and velvet) roses of the millinery quality
7. hand made vine bases, spray painted all sorts of interesting colors
8. exotic birds from far off lands (not real, of course :)
9. vintage child's tea set for a delightfully mad teaparty-esque wreath
10. pacific northwest pine boughs and branches...even with the purple berries... MUST finish my book deadline so I may immerse myself in wreath making :)

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