Friday, April 16, 2010

Waldorf-ish Question...'s a question for all you naturalistic and Waldorf-ish parents...we don't have cable or broadcast TV in our home, but I sometimes feel this deep longing to share some cartoons and movies with my children--you know, that cinema that touched me so personally, so idealistically, so spiritually growing up (also in a home without TV), that I have been irrevocably changed and enriched as a result. How do you use technology in your home?

1 comment:

  1. We're not a "Waldorf" family, although both my kids were/are in Waldorf education.
    We have a t.v, (terrible waste of time!) and the kids enjoy one or two shows. They usually watch it when they return home. It's their way to unwinde from a hectic day 'in the office.'
    I strongly believe that rules are made to be
    broken. If you feel you want to share your world with your children, by all means- let them watch things with you..
